by Charmaine Tang


In this article, I would like to share with you how the name Flourish came about. Knowing how important a brand name is to our product, we were looking for a  name that is easy to remember, unique to our brand promise and communicates our cause. There was so much we wanted our name to communicate. As a business in the creatives, it  is also a movement that desires to draw people into joyful worship of God. It is also a social and community outreach project that will remain righteous and faithful before God, and as in so doing, we aspire towards  a flourishing movement that will show strong and stable growth into the future. 



Inspiration for our name  “Flourish” came from Psalm 92, a creative psalm, which is a collection of descriptive praise, declarative praise and wisdom instructions all in one psalm. This variety of forms within one song evidences the artistic creativity of the psalmist, which is aptly aspirational for our brand as we strive to develop products handcrafted using different artistic crafts form that will be appealing and worthy of praise to our customers.   


Joyful Worship

The first few verses in this psalm speaks of how the wonderful works of God call forth praise and worship from His people.  

For you make me glad by your deeds, Lord; 
    I sing for joy at what your hands have done. 
5 How great are your works, Lord, 
    how profound your thoughts! 


Community Outreach

From verses 12-15, the psalmist proclaims that the righteous will flourish and grow like the Palm tree and Cedar tree. These valuable trees take years to mature and represent faithfulness as well as stabilitiesWhen they are firmly planted the house of God, they can expect nourishment and fruitfulness till old age.  

12 The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, 
    they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; 
13 planted in the house of the Lord, 
    they will flourish in the courts of our God. 
14 They will still bear fruit in old age, 
    they will stay fresh and green, 
15 proclaiming, “The Lord is upright; 
    he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.” 


While Flourish is a business in the creatives it is also a movement that desires to draw people into joyful worship of God. It is a social and community project that will remain righteous and faithful before God, and as she does do, she can look forward to flourishing movement that will show strong and stable growth for many years 

November 07, 2020 — Caroline Ng