Our Story
Who are we?
We are a group of Singaporean Christian women who desire to channel our love of handicrafts to empowering women struggling with life challenges.
Our Vision
To unfold the beauty of each story behind every craft.
We find great joy in working alongside individual artisan appreciating their special talents, nurturing their unique style, and journeying with them as they go through the storms of their lives.
Behind every craft is a personal story. No two stories are identical. As we journey with each artisan to unfold her story with care and love, we envision a better world where God's glory fills the earth.
Our Mission
: Empowering Women : Building Communities: Lasting Transformation :
Empowering Women
We believe that a sustainable livelihood will provide a women with the ability to better her life and that of her family.
At Flourish, we work with women at various stages of their life to help them discover their talents and giftings to develop a sustainable livelihood for betterment of their futures, dignity and well-being.
Through various life-skills workshops covering various craft forms, we reach out and help them discover their abilities, journey with them to perfect their craft forms to an artisan level where they are able to earn a sustainable livelihood.
Building Communities
In order to better equip our artisans to thrive and be self-sufficient, we are continuously investing in our artisans and building bridges of network and resources to provide them increasing opportunities to improve their crafts and to provide for their families and communities.
Lasting Transformation
Our mission is for the artisans and their entire communities to be transformed. All aspects need to be integrated in a holistic way. With your support, our efforts will be realised as each woman’s planting in new soil starts to bear fruits, enabling their families and communities to rise above the poverty cycle meeting their basic needs.