Collection: Mothers' Day Gift Boxes have landed
A mother's love is absolute, unconditional and everlasting. Our mothers are the rock on which we stand, the fortress that protects our family, and the strength we lean on. Working hard to support us with unwavering perseverance, patiently teaching life lessons, cheering us on, making us laugh, inspiring us. They are a such a big part of our lives. Mothers come in all types and forms. Some are biological, others may be grandmothers who raised us; aunts, neighbours, teachers, small group leaders, mother-in-laws, god mothers, the list goes on.
This Mothers' Day, show your love and appreciation for the special women in your life. The special woman who watches out for your well-being, loves and cares for you, loves unconditionally, and has been there for you. That woman is a mother to you.
Flourish Mothers' Day Gift Boxes are thoughtfully designed for different mom personality types:
- For a mum who cares for the environment
- For a mum who loves coloring
- For a mum who loves parties
- For a mum who loves organising movie nites
- For a mum with a Beary Big Bear hug
- For a mum who loves baking
- For an elegant mum
- For a mum who loves keeping fit
- For a mum who loves being pampered
With so many to choose from, you will certainly find something for that special woman. Gift Boxes are priced affordably from S$9.90, all comes complete with mini floral bouquets and "thank you, mom" cards. Preorder before 30 April for delivery in time for Mothers' Day on 14 May 2023.
All proceeds go towards Flourish artisans in Singapore and Cambodia.
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